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I turn my head, and I find myself stupefied by how fundamentally reprehensible the world is - and its inhabitants are.

It’s unpardonable, how it inflicts pain on sentient beings and revels in the aftermath; how it embraces the thinnest of cultural lacquers to indulge and appease itself with falsehood; how the circumstances of one’s birth in it - or God’s dictates, as many construe it - can simultaneously will the states of pennilessness and luxury.

It’s unforgivable, how it venerates the most transient of material objects, while abnegating the most permanent of virtues; how it peddles forth a self-importance impossible to overstate, and a piety impossible to defend. And what’s worse, perhaps, is my complicity in this madness - for am I nothing more than an amalgamation of human evils, festering underneath a curated front? How can I stare at myself in a mirror, and not resent what I see? Why the hell should anyone wilfully remain in this existential mayhem?

For that matter, I resent in particular what the human race has devolved into.

I resent how it unconsciously commemorates its own suffering, doing so under the hollow auspices of cultural tribalism and collectivism. I resent how it subsists on an untrammelled ignorance to its vices, doing so merely to gratify its hedonistic proclivities. I resent how its theistically inclined half concedes its will to invisible messiahs and deities, whose only pronouncements stem from doctrinal sanctimony and a deep-seated bigotry.

I resent how its counterpart, one of an atheistic predisposition, engages in acts of false apostasy - so as to insulate itself from a monster of its own doing and undeservedly arrogate to itself an epistemic higher ground. I resent how its infatuation with the material world usurps its ability to remain virtuous and truthful; to harbour the sight of an aim larger than living in a bloody ivory tower, and swimming in spades of unscrupulously acquired wealth.

And lastly, I resent how its governments invariably degenerate into functionally incompetent, power-hungry tyrannies and plutocracies from which the only cure entails a carnage-filled revolution characterised by starvation, disease, bloodshed and execution.

Should there come a day when this madness ceases, and I be so fortunate to witness it in my lifetime, I will do so gladly and with elation - for it will mark the end of an era and a race not worth a damn.



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